15 counter-intuitive landing page tips for Solopreneurs

Should you add animations to your landing page? What about FAQ and refund policy? Here are 15 best practices to improve the conversion rate of your landing page

15 counter-intuitive landing page tips for Solopreneurs
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As a Solopreneur, you know how important landing pages are, right? They can make or break your conversion rates. But here's the thing: creating a high-converting landing page isn't always intuitive.
That's why I'm decided to share 15 counter-intuitive tips that'll help you engage visitors and drive more sales. These tips will make your landing pages stand out and drive sales like never before.

Anatomy of a High-Converting Landing Page

So, what does a high-converting landing page look like? Well, it's got a few key elements that work together to grab attention and persuade visitors to take action. First up, the headline. You want to mix both rational and emotional values here. For example, something like "Boost Your Sales by 50% without feeling overwhelmed" appeals to the logical desire for more revenue and the emotional need to have less stress. Pretty clever, huh?
Next, social proof is a must. Testimonials and logos from happy customers show that others have had positive experiences with your product. It's like a digital version of word-of-mouth marketing. When potential customers see that others trust you, they're more likely to take the leap themselves.
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Don't forget about highlighting your features! But instead of just listing specs, focus on the benefits. Show how your product makes life easier, saves time, or solves a problem. And finally, tap into those emotional triggers. What do your visitors desire? What pain points do they have? Use that to create a strong connection with your offer.
I wrote a detailed guide about bullet-proof landing page structures for SaaS. Give it a read before redoing your landing page.

Design Tips to Enhance Engagement

Tip 1: Delete all animations

I know animations can be fun and add visual interest, but they often do more harm than good. They distract visitors from your core message. Instead, use clean layouts, compelling images, and concise copy to engage your audience. Keep the focus on your offer and make it easy for visitors to find the information they need.

Tip 2: Limit paragraphs to 2 sentences

Long paragraphs can be intimidating and make it hard for readers to find your key points. Keep your paragraphs short and sweet, focusing on one idea at a time. Use bullet points and numbered lists to break up the text and make your content more scannable.

Tip 3: Turn static product visuals into GIFs

Want to showcase your product features in a more engaging way? Try using GIFs! They add some life to your page without the distraction of a full video. Use them to highlight key benefits and give visitors a better idea of how your product works in action.

Tip 4: Add subtitles to all videos

Did you know that a lot of people watch videos without sound, especially when they're browsing on their phones? Adding subtitles makes your videos accessible to more people and reinforces your message. Just make sure to use clear, easy-to-read fonts and double-check that the subtitles sync up with the video.

Strategic Placement of CTAs

Tip 5: Have a CTA button at least every two screens

Don't make visitors hunt for your CTA button! Place it strategically throughout your page to maximize conversions. I like using a sticky header or footer that keeps the CTA visible as visitors scroll. And of course, make sure it stands out visually and clearly communicates the action you want people to take.

Tip 6: Delete all secondary CTAs

Having multiple CTAs can actually dilute your main conversion goal. It's like giving people too many options and then they don't choose any of them. Remove secondary CTAs, like newsletter signups, to keep visitors focused on your primary objective. If you have secondary offers, consider promoting them on a thank you page after visitors have completed your main CTA.

Tip 7: Don't mention "buy" and "purchase" in your CTA buttons

Aggressive sales language can be a turn-off for potential customers. Instead of using words like "buy" or "purchase," try benefit-focused phrases like "Get Started" or "Try for Free." This reduces friction and makes taking action feel less risky. Play around with different CTA copy to see what resonates best with your audience.

Utilizing Social Proof

Tip 8: Showcase endorsements from opinion leaders before user testimonials

Both user testimonials and expert endorsements are valuable, but I've found that endorsements from recognized thought leaders or influencers carry more weight. Prioritize these endorsements to build credibility quickly. Don't be afraid to reach out to respected figures in your industry and ask if they'd be willing to review your product and provide a testimonial.

Tip 9: Mention the number of customers

Social proof in numbers is powerful. When you showcase how many customers already trust your product, it can sway hesitant visitors. Use specific numbers rather than vague statements like "thousands of customers." For example, "Join over 10,000 satisfied customers who have boosted their sales with our product." It's more concrete and convincing.

Tip 10: Show logos of your customers or press mentions

Familiar logos and press mentions are like trust signals that boost your credibility. Place them prominently on your landing page, ideally above the fold where people are most likely to see them. If you don't have many recognizable logos yet, consider offering your product to well-known companies in exchange for a testimonial or case study. It's a win-win!

Highlighting Key Features and Benefits

Tip 11: Spotlight only 3-4 product features

I know it's tempting to list out every amazing feature your product has, but too many features can actually overwhelm visitors and dilute your main message. Focus on the 3-4 most important features that really differentiate your product and deliver the most value. Use clear, concise language to describe each feature and emphasize the benefits users will experience.

Tip 12: Sell the transformation from using your product

Here's the thing: people don't buy products, they buy better versions of themselves. They buy the transformation that your product enables. So highlight that! Whether it's saving time, making more money, or reducing stress, show how your product can help them achieve their goals and aspirations. Use storytelling to paint a picture of life before and after using your product. It's much more compelling than just listing features.

Advanced Personalization Techniques

Tip 13: Add more "you" and "your"

Want to make your copy feel more personal and engaging? Use more second-person language! Address your visitors directly to create a stronger connection. For example, instead of saying "Our product helps businesses save time," say "You'll save hours every week with our product." It's a subtle shift, but it makes the benefit feel more relevant and achievable.

Tip 14: Repeat your positioning 2-3 times

Repetition is key to reinforcing your message and ensuring visitors remember your unique value proposition. Strategically repeat your positioning throughout your landing page. Just use slightly different wording each time to avoid sounding like a broken record. For example, you might mention your positioning in the headline, a testimonial, and the final CTA section.

Tip 15: Answer really tough questions in FAQ

Don't shy away from tough questions in your FAQ section! Addressing potential objections head-on builds trust and credibility. It shows that you have nothing to hide. Anticipate the concerns your visitors might have and provide clear, honest answers. This can help overcome hesitation and increase conversions.

Common Landing Page Mistakes to Avoid

Finally, let's talk about some common mistakes I see solopreneurs make with their landing pages. First up, cluttered design. When you bombard visitors with too much information, they get overwhelmed and are more likely to bounce. Keep your design clean and focused on your main goal.
Confusing messaging is another conversion killer. Make sure your copy is clear, concise, and consistent throughout the page. Avoid jargon that your target audience might not understand. Keep it simple and straightforward.
Weak calls-to-action (CTAs) can also tank your landing page's effectiveness. Your CTA should be prominent, compelling, and clearly communicate the next step you want visitors to take. Use action-oriented language and make the button stand out. Don't make people hunt for it!


Phew, that was a lot of information! But creating a high-converting landing page is worth the effort. It's all about finding the right mix of persuasive design, compelling copy, and strategic optimization. By implementing these 15 counter-intuitive tips, you can craft landing pages that engage visitors, build trust, and drive more conversions.
Oh, and one more thing! If you really want to save time and improve your results, you've got to check out the Marketing Strategy Generator. It's like having a landing page optimization expert in your pocket. The Landing Page Audit feature provides actionable advice based on proven best practices and data-driven insights. It's a game-changer!
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Don't waste hours trying to figure it out on your own. Try a free demo of the Marketing Strategy Generator today and take your landing pages to the next level.

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Written by

Dan Kulkov
Dan Kulkov

Co-Founder of FounderPal & MakerBox.