Best landing page structure for SaaS [Step-by-step guide]

Increase your conversion with our 8-component landing page structure. Made for Solopreneurs with SaaS in 2024.

Best landing page structure for SaaS [Step-by-step guide]
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Introduction to Landing Page Structure

Landing page structure is the backbone of your page, guiding visitors towards a specific action, like signing up or making a purchase. Think of it as a roadmap for your visitors, providing them with the information they need and steering them in the right direction. A well-structured landing page is key to turning those visitors into customers.

Understanding User Intent

Before you start designing your landing page, you've got to get inside your user's head. What are they hoping to achieve by visiting your page? Understanding their intent helps you create a landing page that meets their needs and expectations. You can do things like surveys, user testing, and digging into past data to get valuable insights into your audience's goals and pain points.
Let's say you're creating a landing page for a to-do app. Your user's intent might be to find a tool that helps them stay organized and boosts their productivity. By understanding this, you can tailor your landing page to highlight features like task prioritization and deadline reminders.
Oh, and tools like the 'User Persona generator' in the Marketing Strategy Generator can also help you better understand your target audience and create a landing page that really speaks to them.
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Crafting a Compelling Value Proposition

A strong value proposition is the foundation of a successful landing page. It's all about an impactful headline and a clear product description that communicates the unique benefits of what you're offering. When you're crafting your value proposition, think about psychological principles like social proof, scarcity, and authority.
For instance, highlighting a limited-time offer can create a sense of urgency and encourage visitors to take action. Featuring endorsements from industry experts can boost your credibility and make your proposition more persuasive.
The 'Sales offer generator' in the Marketing Strategy Generator can help you create compelling value propositions that resonate with your audience and clearly communicate your product's benefits.
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Bullet-proof Landing Page Structure

An ideal landing page structure consists of several key blocks, each serving a specific purpose in the conversion process. From the hero section to the FAQ, each element plays a crucial role in guiding visitors towards your desired action. By optimizing these blocks using tools like the 'Landing page audit generator', you can create a landing page that effectively communicates your value and drives conversions.
Let's dive into each block and explore how to optimize them for maximum impact.

1. Hero Block

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The hero block is the first thing visitors see when they land on your page. It should include:
  • A compelling Heading 1 that communicates your main value proposition
  • A product description that explains how you deliver that value
  • A product visual (like a demo, gif, or screenshot) that shows your product in action
  • A clear call-to-action (CTA) button with action-oriented text
  • Quick social proof like the number of customers or a short testimonial
For a to-do app, your Heading 1 could be something like "Effortlessly manage your tasks and boost productivity." This headline clearly communicates the app's main benefit and entices visitors to learn more.
Follow this up with a description of how the app helps users stay organized and focused, like "Our intuitive interface and powerful features make it easy to prioritize tasks, set reminders, and collaborate with your team."
Include a product visual that demonstrates the app in action, like a gif showing how to create and assign tasks. This helps visitors visualize themselves using the app and understand its value.
Your CTA button should use action-oriented text like "Try for Free" or "Get Started" to encourage clicks. Avoid generic phrases like "Submit" or "Click Here."
Finally, add quick social proof to build trust and credibility. This could be a short testimonial from a satisfied user or a stat like "Trusted by over 10,000 teams worldwide."

2. Problem Agitation

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In this section, you want to highlight the problem your product solves and the negative consequences of sticking to the status-quo solution. For a to-do app, the status-quo might be using a physical planner or relying on memory to manage tasks.
Agitate the problem by mentioning how these methods can lead to:
  • Missed deadlines and forgotten tasks
  • Decreased productivity and efficiency
  • Increased stress and overwhelm
Use specific examples to make the problem relatable and urgent. For instance, "Have you ever missed an important deadline because a task got lost in your notebook or buried in your email inbox?"
By highlighting the pain points your audience experiences, you'll motivate them to seek a better solution and keep reading to learn how your product can help.

3. Transformation

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Show visitors the transformation they can expect by using your product. Use visuals to illustrate the alternative solution and list three positive benefits of making the switch.
For the to-do app, benefits could include:
  1. Increased productivity and efficiency
  1. Better organization and task prioritization
  1. Reduced stress and improved work-life balance
Paint a picture of how their life or work will improve with your product. For example, "Imagine starting each day with a clear overview of your priorities and the confidence that nothing will slip through the cracks."
Use examples to make the transformation tangible and desirable, like "With our app, you'll never miss a deadline again. You'll be able to easily track your progress, collaborate with your team, and achieve your goals faster."

4. Social Proof

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Social proof helps build trust and credibility with potential customers. Include 3-7 testimonials from satisfied users, featuring their face, role, and key points they appreciate about your product.
For added impact, seek endorsements from influencers or industry experts. Their stamp of approval can lend instant credibility to your product and encourage visitors to give it a try.
When presenting social proof, prioritize authenticity and relevance to your target audience. Use real photos and names whenever possible, and choose testimonials that speak to the specific benefits and use cases that matter most to your audience.
For the to-do app, a testimonial could read:
"As a busy entrepreneur, this app has been a game-changer. It keeps me organized and on track, so I can focus on growing my business. I love how easy it is to use and how it seamlessly integrates with my other tools. Since using this app, I've been able to take on more clients and increase my revenue by 20%." - Sarah Thompson, Founder of XYZ Agency
This testimonial is effective because it:
  • Comes from a relatable persona (busy entrepreneur)
  • Highlights specific benefits (ease of use, integrations)
  • Includes a tangible result (20% revenue increase)

5. Features

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Highlight your product's key features and explain how they benefit the user. Group features into 3-4 categories to make them easy to remember, and use visuals like gifs to demonstrate them in action.
Focus on selling the benefits and provide details on how each feature delivers value. For the to-do app, feature categories could include:
  1. Task Management
      • Create and assign tasks with due dates and priorities
      • Set reminders and notifications to stay on track
      • View tasks in multiple formats (list, calendar, board)
  1. Collaboration
      • Invite team members and assign tasks
      • Comment on tasks and mention teammates
      • Attach files and documents for easy reference
  1. Integrations
      • Sync with your favorite tools (Google Calendar, Slack, Trello)
      • Import tasks from email or other apps
      • Export data for reporting and analysis
Use the 'Marketing ideas generator' in the Marketing Strategy Generator to brainstorm unique ways to present your features and make them stand out. For example, you could create an interactive product tour that allows visitors to explore the app's features in a hands-on way.

6. About Us

The "About Us" section is an opportunity to connect with your audience on a personal level. Share your mission, challenges, and successes through storytelling to build affinity and trust.
For the to-do app, you could share how you struggled with productivity in the past and how that inspired you to create a solution that helps others stay organized and achieve their goals.
Use specific examples and anecdotes to make your story relatable and memorable. For instance:
"As a team of busy professionals, we know firsthand how overwhelming it can feel to juggle multiple projects and priorities. We've tried every productivity tool and hack out there, but nothing seemed to stick. That's why we created [App Name] – to help people like us stay organized, focused, and in control of our time."
Keep your story concise and focused on the key points that matter to your audience. Avoid rambling or getting too personal – the goal is to create a connection and build trust, not to overshare or distract from your main message.

7. Pricing

Present your pricing in a clear and persuasive way. Offer 2-3 pricing plans, including an upsell option for advanced features and a downsell for budget-conscious users.
Use psychological pricing tactics like ending prices in $9 or $7 to make them feel more affordable. For example, $19/month feels more approachable than $20/month, even though the difference is minimal.
Clearly state whether it's a one-time or recurring payment, and outline the specific conditions of each plan. For the to-do app, pricing plans could be based on the number of projects or team members allowed:
  • Basic: $9/month (1 user, 5 projects)
  • Pro: $19/month (5 users, 20 projects)
  • Team: $49/month (20 users, unlimited projects)
Highlight your money-back guarantee to reduce risk and overcome objections. For example, "Try [App Name] risk-free for 30 days. If you're not completely satisfied, we'll refund your purchase – no questions asked."
Mention how users can get a discount by paying annually instead of monthly. This encourages longer commitments and reduces churn.

8. FAQ

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Address common objections and concerns in your FAQ section to build trust and reduce barriers to conversion. Identify the top 5-7 questions your audience is likely to have and provide clear, concise answers.
For the to-do app, questions could include:
  1. How secure is my data?
      • We use industry-standard encryption and daily backups to keep your data safe and secure. Your information is never shared with third parties.
  1. Can I use the app on multiple devices?
      • Yes, our app syncs across all your devices (web, mobile, tablet) so you can access your tasks and notes from anywhere.
  1. What happens if I cancel my subscription?
      • If you cancel your subscription, you'll still have access to the app until the end of your billing cycle. After that, your account will be downgraded to the free plan and some features may be limited.
Be honest and transparent in your responses to demonstrate your commitment to customer satisfaction. Use plain language and avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse or alienate your audience.
Link to relevant resources or support pages where appropriate, such as your privacy policy or help center.

Advanced Tips for Landing Page Optimization

To further optimize your landing page, consider advanced techniques like:
  1. A/B Testing
      • Create two versions of your page and compare their performance
      • Test different headlines, visuals, and CTAs to see what drives the most conversions
      • Use tools like Google Optimize or Optimizely to run tests and analyze results
  1. Heat Mapping
      • Use tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg to see where visitors click and scroll
      • Identify areas of interest and friction on your page
      • Optimize your layout and content based on user behavior
  1. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
      • Use tools like the 'Landing page audit generator' to identify areas for improvement
      • Analyze user feedback and survey responses to uncover objections and opportunities
      • Make data-driven decisions to refine your page over time
By continuously testing and optimizing your landing page, you can improve your conversion rates and get more value from your traffic.
Need more creative tips to fix your landing page? Check out 15 less-known landing page tips that work perfectly for Solopreneurs.
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A well-structured landing page is essential for converting visitors into customers. By understanding your audience, crafting a compelling value proposition, and optimizing each block of your page, you can create a seamless user experience that guides visitors towards your desired action.
Tools like the Marketing Strategy Generator can help you efficiently create and optimize your landing page for maximum impact. With features like the 'User Persona generator', 'Sales offer generator', and 'Landing page audit generator', you can quickly develop a high-converting landing page that resonates with your target audience.
Try a free demo of the Marketing Strategy Generator today to see how it can revolutionize your marketing efforts and help you achieve your business goals faster.

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Written by

Dan Kulkov
Dan Kulkov

Co-Founder of FounderPal & MakerBox.